PV iTeach



PV knowledge for everyone for free

Drive your Solar Energy career to success! Framed by the latest PV knowledge and training experience of Europe’s five of the top Solar Energy learning institutions, PV-iTeach is a unique and ground-breaking learning platform which is here to unravel your future. Our platform offers various Photovoltaic (PV) educational courses completely for free, online, and with the option to purchase an official study’s certificate.

Starting with five different PV courses exploring the basics of solar energy and photovoltaics to then dive into another five more specialised courses, you will get a full overview of the most relevant subjects in the PV Industry.
Our aim is to bring our knowledge to all possible corners in the world. We believe in a better and more sustainable future, and we know this can only be possible if sustainable living happens evenly on the globe. Learn online, learn for free, for a better future.

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The Partners

Europe's top five Solar Energy institutions join forces.

Our answer to the current environmental situation is to take responsibility and act. For that reason, we are five outstanding European educational institutions committed to embed our training expertise and PV tip-of-the-arrow knowledge into an accessible training program for you. We decided to break down the walls of our academic lecture halls and bring the knowledge out to you – where it matters most.

How it works

Study with us at your own pace, choose the right time and place to dive into your Photovoltaic study’s journey. All you need is a PV-iTeach account and a stable internet connection, all learning material such as videos, research links and reading material will be available to you with no time or geographical limitation.

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Meet your Teachers

Dr. Eva-Maria Grommes

TH Köln

Filipe Martinho

Technical University Denmark

Daniel Alvarez Mira

Technical University Denmark

Rodrigo Del Prado Santamaria

Technical University Denmark

Markus Babin

Technical University Denmark

Prof. Dr. Volker Wachenfeld

University of Freiburg

Dr. Konrad Mertens

FH Münster University of Applied Science

Dr. Frank Fiedler

Dalarna University, Sweden

Dr. Sergiu Viorel Spataru

Technical University Denmark
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