Our Partners

Renowned institutions sharing their expertise

Dalarna University, Sweden

Dalarna University, founded in 1977, has two campuses in Dalarna County, one in Borlänge and one in Falun. It has approximately 850 employees and 16,000 students. The University has five schools that conduct research and education in various fields such as culture and society, health and welfare, information and engineering, language, literature, and learning, and teacher education.

The School of Information and Engineering (IIT)
This school is in Borlänge campus. The school offers bachelor's and master's degrees in data science, informatics, energy engineering, construction engineering, and mechanical engineering. The research is divided into three main areas: the development of methods for data-driven decision-making in businesses, energy systems in buildings using solar energy, and the development of materials and coatings for various applications. Energy and Construction Engineering department within IIT conducts research in resource efficiency in the built environment, considering societal planning and construction materials.

The  Program's Background
The unique profile of solar energy engineering started already in the mid-1980s as one of the University's first research environments. The researchers maintain a large national and international research network, and projects involve extensive collaboration with businesses and organizations. Bachelor's programs in energy engineering, construction engineering, and planning and construction serve as a foundation for master's programs in solar energy engineering, and energy-efficient built environment.

The Solar Energy Engineering Program
Dalarna University's European Solar Engineering School (ESES) provides a specialized educational experience that will broaden your professional opportunities in the renewable energy industry. The design of photovoltaics, solar thermal and hybrid systems, energy storage, solar project management, and the economics and financing of solar energy are examples of topics covered. The programme is taught by industry experts and researchers from ten countries. For nearly two decades, students from more than 40 countries have attracted people to a small town in central Sweden to gain knowledge and skills sought after by the solar energy industry.

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University of Freiburg, Germany

The Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg (ALU) is a highly regarded teaching and research university which features within the top 10 % of German universities (QS World University Rankings 2019; Times Higher Education - World University Rankings 2019). Over 25,000 students are currently studying at ALU, 4000 of whom are from a wide variety of countries across the globe.

Founded in 1457, the University of Freiburg is one of the oldest universities in Germany and is proud of having a total of 10 Nobel Prize laureates who have researched and taught under its roof. Situated in Europe’s Solar Capital, the University of Freiburg depicts itself internationally as Solar-Uni© and has always regarded environmental protection and research as paramount. In 2007, photovoltaic systems were installed on the university building roofs as a part of one of the biggest solar roof programmes in the county at the time. In the same year, the Centre for Renewable Energy (Zentrum für Erneuerbare Energien - ZEE) was founded. The centre promotes interdisciplinary research across the university, several partner research institutes, and higher education institutions.

Solar Energy Engineering Masters
The M.Sc. Solar Energy Engineering program is designed to be studied simultaneously to a full-time job, in the student's desired location, anywhere in the world with sufficient internet connection. The program's duration is 3.5 years (full track) or 2.5 years (expert track), depending on the student's previous academic qualification. The language of instruction is English. The final semester is dedicated to writing a scientific master’s thesis. Once a year, we host a voluntary on-campus week in Freiburg, generally in mid-September. Students are invited to join us to meet instructors and fellow students and to get hands-on experience at our facilities. Two times during the program, participation in the on-campus events is mandatory due to the laboratory workshops.

Solar Energy Engineering Certificates
Specialise in a particular topic of solar energy to broaden your expertise and boost your career opportunities without disrupting work or family life. With an accredited Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS), you earn a joint degree from two prestigious institutions: the University of Freiburg and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. Once a year, we host a voluntary on-campus week in Freiburg, generally in mid-September. Students are invited to join us to meet instructors and fellow students and to get hands-on experience at our facilities.

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Technische Hochschule Köln, Germany

Technische Hochschule Köln – abbreviated as TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences – sees itself as University of Technology, Arts, Sciences. With its disciplinary and cultural diversity and openness, TH Köln’s activities are aimed on cultural and technological breakthroughs of high societal relevance; TH Köln contributes substantially to resolving social challenges. As a community of faculty and students we see ourselves as a learning organization forging new paths. For instance, TH Köln is one of the pioneers in the field of development and formation of concepts for higher education didactics.

Our subject range
Our subject range includes the fields of Applied Natural Sciences; Architecture and Construction; Information and Communication; Computer Science; Engineering; Culture; Society and Social Sciences as well as Business Studies. More than 100 degree programs are offered as full-time programs or in some cases as career-integrated or part time programs. As a place where research based learning and academic education take place, the university nurtures prospective scholars through cooperative dissertations. Annually, about 6,500 students take up their studies at TH Köln. Overall 27,000 students from about 120 different countries along with 440 professors and 2,000 staff employ their potential.

Research-intensive and international
TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences is a research-intensive university actively engaging in a variety of research activities. We cooperate with universities and other research institutions on a national and international level, as state-of-the-art research thrives on the exchange of expertise transcending institutional and geographic borders.

Application-oriented and interdisciplinary
Climate change, scarce resources, safety issues and demographic change are some of the major challenges mankind will be facing in the coming decades. In their application-oriented and interdisciplinary projects, TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences’ experienced researchers try to solve these ‘great challenges’ and actively contribute to the advancement of science, the economy and society.

TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences comprises eleven faculties and the Institute of Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics. Together they form the university’s organizational framework. Each faculty is headed by a faculty council and a dean or a dean’s office. Central academic and administrative departments offer a variety of services for all faculties and institutions.

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Fachhochschule Münster

FH Münster University of Applied Sciences stands for one thing above all: a culture of quality! It is what defines everyday life at our university - in all processes of education, research, transfer and management, as well as support services. Quality connects us. This is true for our faculty as well as for our staff.

We teach and learn in a variety of disciplines and are interested in different fields of employment - in all departments, in Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programs, in full-time and continuing education courses, in Münster, Steinfurt and other locations, in the classroom and online. Considering our students' different backgrounds and needs, we strive to prepare them for their lives, both at work and in society.

Professional skills
Our students receive hands-on, society-relevant skills; our professors are excellent facilitators of learning, and are able to teach scientific knowledge and deliver professional experience simultaneously

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
These department educates around 800 students. 22 professors and 10 lecturers are teaching in different areas. Permanently, 18 scientific, technical and administrative staff are supporting our department. The department offers different Bachelor programs such as Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Business Management in Technology, subject area Electrical Engineering. Moreover, Teacher-Training (at vocational schools, in cooperation with theUniversity of Muenster) is offered in the subjects Electrical Engineering and InformationTechnology.At the same time  Bachelor Dual Degree Programs combining vocational education and bachelor programs can be chosen by the students.

Master Programs
Regarding the Master Programs, students have the chance to deepen their specialist knowledge, and create the basis for taking on a responsible role in a company or an activity in an academic environment. For graduates of engineering studies with a high affinity for electrical engineering, we also offer the part-time master programme for teaching at vocational colleges, as well in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

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Technical University Denmark

DTU develops technology for people. With our international elite research and study programmes, we are helping to create a better world and to solve the global challenges formulated in the UN’s 17Sustainable Development Goals. Hans Christian Ørsted founded DTU in 1829 with a clear vision to develop and create value using science and engineering to benefit society. That vision lives on today.

Studying at DTU
DTU’s study programmes are cross-disciplinary, you get hands-on access to world-class facilities, and you engage in project-based assignments where you can apply your theoretical knowledge to solve real-life problems. The teaching at DTU stimulates individual and collaborative learning. As a student you develop your analytical skills through independent study, active participation in discussions, and close collaboration with faculty staff and fellow students. Our BSc Eng. and MSc Eng. degree programmes are research-based and train you in research methods, teach you to adopt a constructive and critical approach to research findings, and to translate new knowledge into technical solutions.

Learning the Scandinavian way
The special Scandinavian way pervades life at DTU. The educational system encourages all students to take responsibility for planning and executing projects, and to participate actively in discussions in order to develop their critical and analytical skills. Students learn to work individually and in groups, and as a new student you will discover that everything is open to discussion and every opinion is valued. You will learn to ask questions, be innovative and to find and explore interrelationships.

DTU Fotonik
Photonics is the physical science of generation, detection, and manipulation of light. Photonics engineering and technology has become a key enabler for solving our societal challenges, such as good health, sustainability and reduced energy consumption. At DTU Fotonik we focus our research to address a faster, greener and more secure internet, new methods for faster diagnosis of diseases, new solutions to implement sustainable energy solutions and the use of quantum technology for communication and computation.

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